it has been so long since my last post in this blog....coz,actually, i don have the talent of writing n somewhat i don know what to write....
2009 has been a great year for me...but of coz,mesti ade cacat celanye somewhere sometime where it was not suppose to be there...but,as a normal weak khalifah,i managed to face it....
these r the times that i need to note down which occured in 2009:
between jun til august : i found a wrong guy...knowing him was a very big mistake...
24th august : my 26th parents x igt bday aq...n x dpt ape2 wish dr dorg...very sad...but getting use to it...
pagi ni,pegi interview yg ayh arrangekan...kat 1 kilang di batu berendam...ade vacancy for assistant accountant...mule2 ade 2 chinese lady interviewed went well...lps tu,bos HR pulak panggil...he is a cina mualaf...he said "i don CARE who ur father is,u will not get any special treatment from us"....n the conversation went on,,..which was not very dikondem sbb ayhku..tu la,kdg2 org x suke bile kite guna cable.n sbnrnye,aq hanya mengikut arahan ayh xnk pun g interview tu....lps hbs mamat tu membebel,aku terus masuk kereta,n cried....balik uma..packing,pastu g uma kak wan...ape lg,mengadu nasibla....
19th october : my graduation day...n i missed it..i didnt attend it on purpose...
ade org kata,rugi x pegi,dr awal lg aq x rasa nak pegi...hmmm...after all,at last i grad jugak..with helps from many persons....tq to my dad, lecturers n pengarah kampus uitm alor gajah...they helped me a lot...although the extra attention made me stress...but,i believe,the stress lead me to finish my diploma...
20th october : lapor diri keje...mintak keje guna spm...arahan ayh jugak....tau niat die suci utk tlg,it was an order...without any discussion
to be continued....